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Abrar Corporation Pvt Ltd is a dynamic conglomerate with multiple brands, each excelling in distinct domains.

BitBurst leads software solutions. Custom Software Development for each organization is their specialty. They also provide Cloud Computing Services, which allow online computer, file, and application access. BitBurst provides SaaS, Cybersecurity Services, and comprehensive Support and Maintenance to keep software running properly.

The Cravers, another flagship brand, focuses on Digital Marketing and Frontend Development. The team boasts expertise in HTML and CSS, labeling themselves as experienced in these languages. They also showcase proficiency in JavaScript and Material UI, providing a strong foundation for crafting engaging and responsive digital experiences. In Digital Marketing, The Cravers offers intermediate skills in Website SEO, Email Marketing, Google My Business ReActivation, and managing Facebook Ads.

Insurancelia, a specialized arm, is your go-to protection hub. Primarily focusing on motor insurance for cars and bikes, Insurancelia tailors coverage to your specific journeys. Additionally, they offer health insurance plans prioritizing your well-being, ensuring comprehensive coverage for medical expenses. Choose Insurancelia for peace of mind and comprehensive protection on the road and in life.

Job Revolution, an innovative platform under Abrar, is poised to revolutionize hiring processes. This platform serves as a bridge between recruiters and candidates, leveraging advanced AI tools for a seamless job matching experience. Stay tuned for its imminent launch, promising a new era in the recruitment landscape.

Abrar Corp Pvt Ltd excels in software, hiring, insurance and pharmaceuticals.
They innovate and thrive in many areas.

Excellence Through Innovation.




Our Chairman Faiyaz Motorwala, a resilient and imaginative software developer with a 12th-grade education, founded Abrar Corporation Private Limited in 2016. Faiyaz Motorwala proved that "A single piece of paper cannot decide the future." with just a 12th grade education. Our Chairman demonstrated that education doesn't constrain potential, showcasing resilience and resourcefulness. Leading Abrar Corporation, he illustrates how perseverance, ingenuity, and self-confidence redefine success, transcending traditional educational boundaries.

Evidence Speaks Louder Than Words

Abrar Corp's BitBurst is exceptional — clear communication, punctual, and excels in software solutions. They immediately understand what the client needs.

Ethan Davidson
QuantumSynergy Solutions

Enthralling digital experiences crafted by Abrar Corporation's 'The Cravers.' Their mastery in HTML, CSS, and SEO is truly commendable. A top-notch choice!

Alexia Stratton
DigitalPulse Marketing Solutions

Oh, you've got to try The Cravers, part of Abrar Corp! They're amazing! Always on point with communication, timing, and their digital skills? Top-notch!

Aurora Nightingale
Luminary Spark Technologies
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